Wednesday, June 24, 2009

An oops!

Today I was leafing through the binder where I record the hymns/songs we sing each week at St. Andrew's looking for a certain hymn. I came across this: "O breath of life, come (swapping) sweeping through us". Something or someone must have distracted me while I was writing down the title! (You might think for a musician, particularly an organist, I'd be able to do more than one thing at once...) I burst out laughing :) Then I thought, this is not a bad mixup of words, in a rather funny way. God's Spirit can sweep through us, and before we know it, things are replaced or swapped for other things. Priorities change, attitudes change, we change - through the power of the Holy Spirit. A good reminder during the season of Pentecost, eh?


Dorothy said...

I've been traveling of late so I am just now catching up on my blog reading but I couldn't miss commenting on this one, AuntE. Such a wonderful application of a spiritual truth. God truly is continually "swapping" out our human failings with more worthy characteristics, isn't He!

AuntE said...

Oh yes! Amen!