Monday, April 23, 2012

The time is coming...

There are any number of ways to complete the title of this post.  For me, right now, the end of this sentence is, " head to the studio to record."  The actual date for that is April 30th.  At this time last week, I felt a little like I did just before my son was born - I'm finished with preparing and ready to deliver.  What a difference a week can make!  Today I feel as if I'll never really be ready, and what was I thinking anyway?  I'm in what I call 'panic mode' and, thankfully, I've been there before, survived it, and come out the other side just fine.  Survival requires not giving in to panic - not letting it paralyze me into inaction, or more accurately, not practising. 

There have been many other steps of preparation for this project.  Some of them are:  accumulating music, choosing repertoire and setting the order of the pieces.  Maybe when the actual recording process is done, I'll write about those things but for now - I'd better get back to practising!


Reverend Shawn said...

my mind is having a hard time wrapping around the concept of Christmas Music in April ... but the weather outside here tonight IS Christmas-y!!! BLAH!!! or rather BAH HUMBUG!!!

You will however do an admirable job when the recording begins ... I look forward to hearing the end results!

Blessings to you in this exciting endeavour!!!

AuntE said...

Hey Shawn, Thank you! It might be easier to 'prepare' if we had a bit of that white stuff still on the ground, but I'm not complaining. I AM excited to begin - and my guess is that I'll be finding it hard to sleep next Sunday just thinking about finally getting down to business on it. Keep following my posts and you'll no doubt hear more details and maybe even some pics of the studio time.

Dorothy said...

I'm following your posts too, AuntE, and am very excited for you! Yesterday was the big day and I'm anxious to hear how it went!

AuntE said...

Day 2 is done and I am feeling pretty good about what I've been able to accomplish so far. I hope to have a few pics up by early next week and also a new post about some of the process - the 'before-you-hear-the-finished-product' stuff!!

Thanks, Dorothy, for your comments. So neat to have a sister in Christ that I've never met, who shares my love of worship music.