Friday, May 11, 2012

Studio pictures

A cool shot from inside the recording booth!  L-R - Dorcas Windsor, page turner, me, and Darryl Neustaedter Barg, recording engineer.  The recording was done at the Mennonite Church Manitoba studio here in Winnipeg.

A big thank you to my brother, Weldon Bull, for using some vacation time to take photos for me.
Okay, so now you know one of the pieces you'll hear on the finished product!        

A really delightful sound comes from the Petrof combined with the studio.  I can hardly wait for you to hear what I've put together.


Anonymous said...

Should sound way better than our living room ... at least I hope so.

- Gord

AuntE said...

I think it will sound great!

Dorothy said...

Can't wait to hear it!

AuntE said...

I'll certainly be letting everyone know when it's ready :)