Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Lord's My Shepherd

As my fellow hymn blogger CWS has pointed out, today is Good Shepherd Sunday and I would guess that a number of congregations sang some setting of Psalm 23 in their worship. Sometimes I wonder how many hymns we could find - either to sing or recite - of this familiar passage!

One of my favourite arrangers, John Carter, has a piano book called Songs of the Shepherd which contains 8 pieces all referring to our Shepherd, the Lord. Most of the hymns or tunes in the collection are familiar to me but there is one setting I'm having trouble finding the words for. It is: The Lord's My Shepherd, All My Need, Tune: EVAN. If any of my readers can help with this search, I'd be very grateful.


C.W.S. said...

We actually sang five different versions of Ps. 23 on Sunday: the lectionary reading (to Anglican chant), two hymns (Watts and Baker) and two choir anthems (Rutter and Tomkins).

Your mystery version may be the one by Christopher L. Webber (1986, so still under copyrights). If you have the 1990 US Presbyterian Hymnal, it's #175 there, also set to EVAN.

AuntE said...

Thanks, CWS. I'll do a little more searching and see what I can find.