Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A New Day is Coming!

I just listened to the tail end of a radio piece entitled "The Silencing of St. Andrew's". This was not about the St. Andrew's I serve; it was about an Anglophone congregation in rural Quebec that had dwindled to less than a dozen members and could no longer sustain itself. The region's demographics have changed to predominantly Francophone. The building was being de-consecrated by the archdeacon. A huge lump came to my throat and I nearly cried. The last few faithful of this congregation were facing a great loss and my heart ached for them.

There seem to be some parallels to St. Andrew's Winnipeg. We have, by far, more than a dozen members but we are not growing. We are facing changes. Our new minister begins in a few days' time! We will be relocating in the not too distant future. These are exciting times and while I look forward in anticipation of what God will do, my emotions seem close to the surface occasionally knowing that things will change and that I must be open and ready to change as well. Your prayers, my reader, would be much appreciated as this new chapter begins.

A new day is coming! Praise God!


Matt Brough said...

I'll be praying for your church and the exciting road ahead. Looking forward to having yet another Presby minister around these parts!

AuntE said...

Thanks Matt!

Dorothy said...

Change is always hard and I am praying for both you and your St. Andrew's, AuntE. Also for the members of the St. Andrew's in Quebec that have lost so much.

AuntE said...

Thank you so much Dorothy for your prayers. We are now into Week 2 and I am enjoying having someone to work with on the service planning.