Tuesday, March 29, 2011

You can have all this world...

"How Sweet the Sound!" is already more than a week ago; how time flies! The concert went well and I really enjoyed working with professional singers again. It's been awhile since I could just sit down and play and not do the coaching side of it as well. Definitely a treat for me. :) I usually find that there are one or two songs, sometimes more, that stay in my head for a few days after a performance. This time one of them was the spiritual "Give me Jesus". In my opinion, music and text are perfectly wed to create a song filled with emotion and the spiritual longing to desire only Christ in all I do.

This performance is not the arrangement we did, but it captures the essence of the song very well.


Dorothy said...

I am so glad your concert was so enjoyable for you, AuntE.

And I love "Give Me Jesus!"

AuntE said...

Thank you, Dorothy!