Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Northern Lights - Part 1

The Northern lights were out last night, sweeping their green and glorious path across the cloudy sky. As I checked the windows before heading to bed, I looked out 'just to see' - Are the Northern lights out tonight? It's been awhile since I've seen them, and living in the city as I do, it isn't all that easy to catch a glimpse of that amazing sight. They truly are awesome (ie., they inspire awe) to me and serve to remind me what an almighty God I serve. His creativity is beyond comprehension!

Sometimes, the Northern lights are more ribbon like and can be seen as one long, flowing line as you look northward. Last night they were swirling all around the midnight sky. Imagine mixing melted chocolate into cake batter or the swirls in marble paper and you will have a good idea what it looked like. I have seen them this way only once before that I can recall and that was about 25 years ago and 2 hours away from city lights. The sight was even more magnificent!

All this led me to wonder if there are any hymns which mention the Northern lights. I couldn't think of any, but a quick search brought two results. The first is verse 2 of a hymnal version of the lyrics for O Canada, written by Albert D. Watson.

Almighty Love, by Thy mysterious power,
In wisdom guide, with faith and freedom dower;
Be ours a nation evermore
That no oppression blights,
Where justice rules from shore to shore,
From lakes to northern lights.
May love alone for wrong atone;
Lord of the lands, make Canada Thine own:
Lord of the lands, make Canada Thine own!

The second result brought lyrics by Catherine MacLean, copyright 2008 by The United Church of Canada. You can read them here.


Dorothy said...

I've seen the Northern lights and they are truly a reflection of the almighty God we serve, AuntE! I wish I could have enjoyed them with you last night.

Now that you mention it, it is rather surprising that those glorious lights are not mentioned more often in hymns.

AuntE said...

I was SO happy to find those 2 references that I stopped looking! I wonder if there are more?