Today is Thanksgiving Day in Canada. There are many wonderful hymns for harvest thanksgiving and the one that opened St. Andrew's worship yesterday was Come, Ye Thankful People, Come. I always think of my Dad when we sing this because he told me once that he had heard Alberta farmers sing "All is safely gathered in ere the winter storms begin" when their crops were buried under snow and still out in the fields. At choir practice on Weds. that came up in conversation and a couple of the guys figured it was in 1959. That storm hit the whole prairies it seems.
Funny how you can sing a hymn time after time and something new will grab you on a certain occasion. I did remember Dad's story this year too, but what really got my attention was the line, "God, our Maker, doth provide for our wants to be supplied." - Not just our needs, but our wants! We have so much to be thankful for!
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