Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A glimpse of heaven

Before too much more time goes by, I'd like to write a little about the music at "Look In, Shout Out!" - the first ever national gathering of Presbyterian women in Canada. This event took place May 20-23, 2011 in Richmond Hill, ON and attendance exceeded initial expectations with registration around 540 people. Our worship leader was Glen Soderholm, ably assisted by a 4 piece band and a few others on occasion.

It's hard to know where to begin! The music was well-presented both in format and selection. I enjoyed participating without having to play. There is joy and strength in worshiping in such a large group - an opportunity I rarely have. We learned some new pieces together, which is always a joy to me, and sang old ones in an updated way, breathing new life into them.

Sunday morning worship began with a processional hymn, the traditional "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty" led by Glen and the band. The procession was led by Rev. Margaret Mullin, Thundering Eagle Woman, director of Winnipeg Inner City Missions, who joined the band playing her Indian drum. She was followed by women from many parts of the world - our international guests - from Hungary, India, Guatemala, Malawi, Scotland, Korea and Japan. (I've probably missed a couple countries.) As we got to about the third verse and I watched these women of God come forward, I suddenly had a glimpse of heaven with people from all nations gathering around God's throne singing and praising God with words very much like this hymn. It was an extremely meaningful moment in worship which I think will stay with me for a long time to come.

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