Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The greatness of God

Don't be frightened away! I'm not planning to attempt to write all my thoughts on the greatness of God. It's just that I've been reminded once again how many hymns and songs we sing proclaiming God's greatness. If you've been following my blog, you'll know that I have a couple concerts coming up next week and in preparation for them I've been doing some research. In my concerts, I talk a little about the background of the pieces I'm playing - whether it be about the author or composer, or my own connection to the song. Next week's program includes 5 previously unperformed pieces and three of them embrace this very topic. They are: Our Great Saviour, Great is the Lord, and How Great is Our God. The respective publication dates of these pieces are: 1910, 1982, and 2004. It inspires me to know that songwriters, over all the decades and centuries that pass, are still finding new and creative ways to praise God. Why don't you come and hear for yourself?

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

I'd love to come and hear for myself, AuntE, but unfortunately that's not going to happen this time. The theme of the greatness of God captures my soul though.