Sunday, January 11, 2009

Making Candles = Epiphany?

All of last week seemed to fly by and I missed posting something for Epiphany. (I thought about it, but that was about as far as I got.) To begin writing today, I thought I'd look up the Oxford Dictionary definition of the word 'epiphany' - and I was a little surprised at what I found:

"Epiphany = manifestation of Christ to the Magi, festival of this (6 Jan.); (epiphany) manifestation of a supernatural being."

What surprised me was what wasn't there - no mention of 'having an epiphany' or of 'epiphany moments' or any of those expressions we sometimes hear. That got me thinking; what do we mean when we use those phrases in common speech? The way I've used them, or heard others use them, is to mean that I've had an 'aha' moment. The light has dawned! I understand! To the Magi this revelation of Christ was much more than an 'aha' moment. Their realization of who Christ was and their dream afterward was a life changing experience which even made them alter their route home to avoid telling Herod what they had discovered.

By now perhaps you are wondering how all this connects to candle making. I usually make candles before Christmas, sometimes for gifts. I couldn't let the (extended) season go by without making any, so I began a couple days ago. Somehow it seems appropriate to be creating a source of light when we are celebrating that the light has dawned -the Light of God's love, Jesus.


Dorothy said...

Hello, AuntE,

I know I am a little late in commenting on your post but I just had to say that I think making candles to celebrate the Epiphany is a wonderful idea! I love it!

I also love your banner!

AuntE said...

Thank you! Since I was making scented candles, the house smelled quite wonderful for those few days.

The banner is actually a black & white version of my CD cover. Still trying to figure out how to get it in colour.