Monday, November 16, 2009

So Much Music, So Little Time

I have had many ideas recently of things I could write about here. Unfortunately, as the title says, there doesn't seem to be enough time - and there's too much music. Music to learn; music to perform. Many musicians find Christmas to be the "feast" time. January will come soon enough and then it will be "famine"!

I wanted to post on November 1st, All Saints' Day, about my favourite appropriate hymn "For All the Saints" and I haven't been able to get a line of the words out of my head since. So even though I think this deserves a longer blog, let me just say that I can really identify with the line, "We feebly struggle, they in glory shine." I do feel feeble these days, not in a physical sense, but more in the sense that our efforts here on earth are always less than perfect in our attempts to praise God and give our life's work to God. As I said, there's much more that could be said, but I'll leave it there and maybe one of my readers will add to the thought.

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